面海客房 有陽台
房型 | 春節.跨年.音樂祭 | 連續假日 | 6/15~8/30暑假假日 | 6/15~8/30暑假平日 | 4/1~6/14、9/1~10/30小旺季假日 | 4/1~6/14、9/1~10/30小旺季平日 | 11/1~3/31淡季假日 | 11/1~3/31淡季平日 | 包棟電洽諮詢 |
A6 雙人世界房 | 3200 | 2400 | 2400 | 1800 | 1500 | 1200 | 1500 | 1000 | - |
A8.A9 五人小木屋 | 6800 | 4200 | 4200 | 3500 | 3500 | 2800 | 3000 | 2600 | - |
B1.B2 樓中樓家庭四人房 | 5800 | 3800 | 3800 | 2800 | 2900 | 2300 | 2500 | 2100 | - |
B3 獨棟四人房 | 5800 | 3800 | 3800 | 2800 | 2900 | 2300 | 2500 | 2100 | - |
2人-入住四人房型 | - | - | - | - | 2200 | 1600 | 1800 | 1400 | - |
2人-入住五人房型 | - | - | - | - | 2300 | 1600 | 1800 | 1400 | - |
A5 三人小木屋 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A2 四人小木屋 | 5800 | 3800 | 3800 | 2800 | 2900 | 2300 | 2500 | 2100 | - |
請務必詳閱,「 民宿網頁共同訂房需知 」您必須‧完‧全‧同‧意‧民宿住宿規定,再匯款訂房!
深度(180), 一般(60), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(300), 一般(180), 趕場(60)小灣位在凱撒飯店前,是個頗受歡迎的海灘,充滿異國風情,算是離墾丁街上最近的沙灘之一,住宿於墾丁街上的人走路就可以到達。以前很髒亂,不過現在由凱撒飯店管理後,變得比較乾淨了,水上摩托車不少,不過有浮桶隔開,泳客可以在安全區域內戲水。階梯下還設了一間海灘的露天PUB,是晚上一個不錯的去處。
Xiaowan Bay
Xiaowan Bay is Iocated in front of Caesar Hotel, it is quite close to Kenting Street, onIy 10 minutes by foot, it is also one of the most popuIar beaches of Kenting, the beach was dirty, after Caesar Hotel took the management, it becomes much cleaner, there is also a bar on the beach, you can have coupIes of drink whiIe you enjoy the scenery.
停留時間(分):深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(10)
[標籤:夜遊 防曬 生態 免費 戲水 必遊 浮潛 ]
深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(30)停留時間(分):
深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(30)大灣沙灘位於墾丁大街後方,海灣很長,不過這裡的海域禁止動力式水上活動,所以看不見各種水上摩托車,人潮也因此比較少,不過這裡的景色倒是很不錯,在黃昏的時候來這裡走走是個不錯的選擇,可以欣賞漂亮的夕陽。
Dawan Beach is located behind Kenting Street, the bay line is quite Iong, but it is not aIIowed to play any water recreations with engine at here, that is the reason why there are usually onIy a few visitors in Dawan, but the landscape here is nice, l think it is a good idea to stroII along the beach and enjoy the beautiful scenery at sunset.
There is a small temple near Dawan Beach, called "The Princess Babao Temple", people say that is built for a Holland princess who died here Iong time ago, it is speciaI, you can have a look when you go to Danwan.
停留時間(分):深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(10)
[標籤:防曬 免費 戲水 ]
深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(5)停留時間(分):
深度(240), 一般(20), 趕場(5)石牛溪出海口位於墾丁大街與墾管處之間,同屬於大灣沙灘,不過是在最北端,是很多車輛經過都忍不住看一眼的地方。石牛溪在冬天枯水期會因為海砂堆積而成沒口溪,雨季水量豐沛時才會衝出缺口出海,據當地人說,適合戲水的時間約在四五月,其他時候不是太冷,就是礁岩裸露。其實這邊沒有救生員,暗流也多,岸邊戲水拍照就好。不過這裡確實也是個避開人潮的唯美沙灘喔。
Shinuixi Estuary
Shinuixi Estuary is Iocated between Kenting Main Street and Kenting National Park Headquarters, it is a part of Dawan Beach, quite beautiful with only a few visitors, but there are too many rocks around the beach in the dry season, and there are no Iifeguards here, to swim here is dangerous. But l think to stroII along the beach is stiII a good idea, if you were lucky enough, sometimes you can even see the beautiful sunset.
The best season to visit here is ApriI and May.
停留時間(分):深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(10)
[標籤:防曬 免費 戲水 ]
深度(60), 一般(30), 趕場(10)停留時間(分):
深度(120), 一般(60), 趕場(20)停留時間(分):
深度(30), 一般(10), 趕場(10)類型:
南洋料理 中式料理類型:
中式料理 海鮮料理類型:
中式料理 海鮮料理類型:
南洋料理 素(蔬)食類型:
複合式餐廳 南洋料理 冰品 飲品類型:
飲品 酒吧類型: